If you regularly have more garbage at your address than the prescribed 64 gallons total, then we will have to begin charging for it. If your cans consistently weigh too much (over 50 lb) due to poorly maintained cans or neglect which allows them to become water-logged, then we will have to begin charging you for it. We are not responsible for homeowner cans that are damaged during the pickup.
We are still trying to complete our customer database, so if you live at a different address than the one where you receive service, or if you have a different mailing address from the service address please contact us and make sure we have your correct information. If you are not sure that we have contact information for you please contact us so we can get phone numbers for you. This is helpful if we have any routing or billing issues that we may need to discuss with you.
One of our biggest challenges so far has been identifying correct addresses to ensure that we are picking up all of our paying customers and not picking up those who do not pay. If your cans are not clearly on your property where they are easily identifiable as to the address they belong , it may be a good idea to mark them with your street address so we know it belongs to a paying customer. You are responsible for the amount of garbage picked up at your address, so make sure we know which cans are yours so we can tell if someone is illegally dumping on your property. We will not continue to pick up garbage unless we know it belongs to a paying customer.